Stable 11.1.2026
- Maturity:
- Stable
- Released on:
- Friday, 06 June 2014 10:08
- Viewed:
- 12117 times
- Description
2X Version 11.1 Client for AIM Services Clients
- Release notes
This custom client install has connection configurations for both the Kerrville Data Center (KDC) and the Houston Data Center (HDC).
2X v11.1 32Bit Client for Windows - All Connections
- Downloaded:
- 5712 times
- File size:
- 12.66 Mb
- MD5 Signature:
- 310f6612bdc14691cc5eb55c3eef1dda
- SHA1 Signature:
- 5ba269353883e7b8ec2ab383a62f7c79b2f971a6
- Compatibility:
2X Version 11.1.2026 Client for Windows with Pre-Configured Connections for All Data Centers
2X v11.1 64Bit Client for Windows - All Connections
- Downloaded:
- 7050 times
- File size:
- 15.04 Mb
- MD5 Signature:
- 8bef3c71fa2ece0d8a7fcbc4cf7cb9d1
- SHA1 Signature:
- 33490a5ed6bd7543ff74c7b8639ddeece7d72501
- Compatibility:
2X Version 11.1.2026 64bit Client for Windows with Pre-Configured Connections for All Data Centers